Sustainable Mobility for Public Authorities

With our expertise, we assist ambitious public administrations in optimizing their bike and cargo bike leasing while promoting sustainable mobility.

Even More Benefits for Civil Servants

Local authorities, such as municipalities and CPAS, can offer their contract and statutory employees the option to exchange their year-end bonus or vacation days for the leasing or purchase of a bike. Additionally, employees who commute by bicycle are eligible for a bike allowance of 0.20 euros per kilometer traveled, with a maximum of 8 euros per day. This allowance can also be exchanged for the leasing or purchase of a bike, providing a flexible benefit that encourages sustainable commuting practices among civil servants and other public sector employees.

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Discover Our Complete Offer

Explore a wide range of solutions tailored to meet the needs of employers, from flexible bike leasing plans to comprehensive maintenance services. Empower your team with sustainable mobility options designed to enhance productivity and well-being.

Create your free account today and start transforming your corporate mobility!

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Quick Setup: Your bike leasing program can be up and running in no time.
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Personalized Plans: Tailor the program to fit your company's unique needs.
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Expert Support: Our team is here to guide you every step of the way.
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